Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Aboriginal Arts: From Rock Painting to Gallery HAB240 Unit
Advanced German B HEG316 Unit
Age of Revolution and Empire: Britain and France HTA367 Unit
Ancient Civilisations 1B: Introduction to Ancient Rome HTC104 Unit
Applied Philosophy HPH302 Unit
Asia: Key debates and controversies HMA255 Unit
Asian Studies (TCE) HMA104 Unit
Australian history in a global context HTA206 Unit
Australian Literature HEN314 Unit
Beyond Human - Exploring Science and the Humanities XBR210 Unit
Buddhist Philosophy HPA319 Unit
Chinese 1A and Introduction to Chinese XBR119 Unit
Chinese 1B HMC102 Unit
Chinese 2A HMC219 Unit
Chinese 2B HMC220 Unit
Chinese 3A HMC319 Unit
Chinese 3B HMC320 Unit
Chinese Culture and Society HMC318 Unit
Chinese Literature and Culture A HMC314 Unit
Chinese Literature and Culture B HMC315 Unit
Colonised Land: Indigenous Australian History HAB103 Unit
Comedy and Tragedy in the Classical World HTC311 Unit
Contemporary Indigenous Australia HAB102 Unit
Continental Philosophy HPH309 Unit
Convict Ancestors HAA007 Unit
Convict Archaeology Field School HTA282 Unit
Convicts in Context HAA105 Unit
Creative Writing Workshop 1 HEN104 Unit
Creative Writing Workshop 3 HEN218 Unit
Creative Writing: Concept and Craft HEN204 Unit
Creative Writing: Professional Practice HEN318 Unit
Critical Reading and Theory for Asia HMA414 Unit
Critical Thinking: Reasoning Skills for Health Professionals HPH506 Unit
Deconstructing Alexander: Propaganda, Perception and Power HTC343 Unit
Desire and Disorder in the Erotic Text HTC339 Unit
Desire and Disorder in the Erotic Text HTC239 Unit
Discovering Asia HMA101 Unit
Eating History HTA383 Unit
Engaging with Sustainability XBR101 Unit
Engaging with Sustainability HUM111 Unit
English 1A HEN101 Unit
English Writing: Grammar and Composition HEN105 Unit
English: Creative and Critical Reading HEN106 Unit
English: Texts and Traditions HEN102 Unit
Europe under the Dictators, 1914-1945 HTA211 Unit
Expanding Indigenous Lifeworlds HOS213 Unit
Families at War HAA107 Unit
Families in History HTA384 Unit
Families in History HTA308 Unit
Foundations of Critical Thinking HAA002 Unit
Foundations of Modern Philosophy HPH202 Unit
French Language 2A HEF215 Unit
French Language 2B HEF216 Unit
French Language 3A and Advanced French A HEF335 Unit
French Language 3B and Advanced French B HEF316 Unit
Gender & World HAF105 Unit
Gender and Justice XBR214 Unit
Gender: Being Human HAF104 Unit
German 1A and Introduction to German XBR114 Unit
German 1B HEG102 Unit
German 2A HEG207 Unit
German 2B HEG208 Unit
German 3A and Advanced German A HEG315 Unit
German 3B and Advanced German B HEG314 Unit
Good Thinking: Reasoning Skills for Life XBR105 Unit
Good Thinking: Reasoning Skills for Life HPH106 Unit
History 1A: Making Modern Europe HTA101 Unit
History and Cultural Heritage HTA380 Unit
History Honours Special Seminar HTA425 Unit
History in Focus HTA378 Unit
Honours Thesis A and Honours Thesis B HUM404 Unit
Humanities Research Methods HUM407 Unit
Humanities Research Workshop HUM402 Unit
Independent Research Project HUM311 Unit
Indigenous Lifeworlds: Story, History, Country HUM113 Unit
Indonesian 1A and Introduction to Indonesian HMN101 Unit
Indonesian 1B HMN102 Unit
Indonesian 2A HMN207 Unit
Indonesian 2B HMN208 Unit
Intermediate Latin B and Advanced Latin B HTL219 Unit
Introduction to Ancient Greece HTC103 Unit
Introduction to Chinese 1A HMC101 Unit
Introduction to Family History HAA003 Unit
Introduction to French 1A HEF101 Unit
Introduction to French 1B HEF102 Unit
Introduction to German 1A HEG101 Unit
Introduction to Logic HPH203 Unit
Introduction to Professional Japanese Translation HMJ335 Unit
Introductory Philosophy: Knowledge and Reality HPH105 Unit
Introductory Philosophy: Moral and Political Philosophy HPH104 Unit
Japanese 1A and Introduction to Japanese HMJ101 Unit
Japanese 1B HMJ102 Unit
Japanese 2A HMJ204 Unit
Japanese 2B HMJ205 Unit
Japanese 3A HMJ315 Unit
Japanese 3B HMJ318 Unit
Japanese 3C HMJ316 Unit
Key Issues in Philosophy HPH301 Unit
Latin 1A ? Introduction to Latin HTL101 Unit
Latin 1B HTL102 Unit
Latin 2: From Learning to Reading HTL261 Unit
Literary Cultures HEN408 Unit
Literary Cultures HEN319 Unit
Literary Theory HEN301 Unit
Making Modern America: Revolution and Civil War HTA270 Unit
Masculinities HAF234 Unit
Medieval Europe AD 1000-1450 HTA334 Unit
Mixed Messages? The Everyday Art of Translation HUM310 Unit
Modernism HEN313 Unit
Nero and Neronian Literature HTC337 Unit
Nineteenth-Century Sensation and Spectacle HEN203 Unit
Philosophy 1: Ethics (Hobart) HPH101 Unit
Philosophy 2: Mind and Metaphysics HPH102 Unit
Philosophy and the Body HAF235 Unit
Philosophy Honours Coursework HPH420 Unit
Philosophy of Mind HPH311 Unit
Place, image, object HAA006 Unit
Political Philosophy HPH304 Unit
Popular Genres HEN211 Unit
Queering Japan HMJ310 Unit
Reacting to the Past HUM309 Unit
Reading the Screen HEN215 Unit
Religion, ethnicity, and conflict in Southeast Asia HMN319 Unit
Religions of Ancient Greece and Rome HTC341 Unit
Religions of Ancient Greece and Rome HTC241 Unit
Self and World: Debates in European Philosophy HPH312 Unit
Seminar in Ancient Culture HTC402 Unit
Shakespeare: Page, Stage and Screen HEN210 Unit
Shakespeare: Page, Stage and Screen HEN310 Unit
Spectacle and Society in Ancient Rome HTC340 Unit
Telling Tales: Literature and Narrative HEN201 Unit
The Age of Catastrophe 1914–1945 HTA232 Unit
The Dark Ages? Medieval Europe AD 300-1000 HTA377 Unit
The Dark Ages? Medieval Europe AD 300-1000 HTA277 Unit
The Fall of the Roman Republic HTC242 Unit
The Family Saga HAA104 Unit
The Right and the Good HPH207 Unit
The World of Children's Books HEN205 Unit
Understanding this Region HAA001 Unit
Utopian and Dystopian Visions HEN305 Unit
War and the Hero: Classical Epic HTC210 Unit
World History: the first globalisation HTA102 Unit
Zen & Tao: East Asian Philosophy HPA234 Unit
Zen and Tao: East Asian Philosophy HPA334 Unit

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